Silver Lining Herbs #24 Immune Support For Horses

Silver Lining Herbs #24 Immune Support For Horses

from $73.00

Everything you put into or onto your horse is used or not used by his body on a cellular level. Elements of foods and topical substances that are not used need to be evacuated from the body, which a healthy immune system is able to do via the liver, kidneys, blood, lymphatic, digestive system, skin, etc. With all that we throw at our horses today from immunizations to pesticides, to reduced grazing and increased travel schedules their immune systems can easily become overwhelmed at the cleanup work required. #24 Immune Support for horses supports the immune system, which may aid in clearing up a wide range of seemingly unrelated issues. This product may be beneficial in:

  • Supporting normal blood cell levels

  • Fighting free radicals

  • Supporting normal detoxification processes

  • Maintaining normal fluid balance in the blood and tissues

  • Helping achieve a healthy coat

  • Supporting a normal stamina and endurance

  • Helps reduce effects of normally induced environmental stress

  • Supports a normal appetite and healthy weight

  • Pronounced abnormal wrinkles over eyes

  • Helping those with seasonal allergies

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